Genus | Neofinetia |
Type | Botanical species |
Origin | Japan |
Plant size | Small |
Cultivation temperature | Intermediate |
Light intensity | Moderate |
Fragrance | Yes |
Cultivation system | Mounted on wood |
Plant stage | Blooming size |
Flowering frequency | One time to year |
Flowering period | From spring through fall |
Neofinetia falcata ‘Samsojeon (Mangekyō)’
CHF 300.00
The photo of the plant is indicative
- Rare variety of Neofinetia falcata (imported South Corea)
- The white flowers have three magenta-coloured spurs.
- Mangekyō, Japanese 万華鏡, means kaleidoscope and the name was given to this variety because of the particular geometry created by the play of shapes and colours drawn by the flowers and their spurs.
- Like all Neofinetia, prefers an environment with good air circulation and filtered light. It grows well in well-draining substrates and requires a certain level of ambient humidity to thrive. In winter, it is advisable to reduce watering.
- How to grow mounted: wet when dry, spray water every day, and once a week soak the whole plant in water for a few minutes
- Mounted in august

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